"There is a fundamental imbalance in the global economy; in the post-industrial nations, capital is cheap, but labor is expensive. Conversely, in the developing world, capital is scarce but labor is plentiful. Economically this would suggest the huge potential for mass immigration. Yet politically with today's pressures on emerging multicultural societies, it is a total non-starter.
That's why off shoring could be seen as the most acceptable route forward to politicians and businessmen who embrace globalization. Thanks to the advances in low cost digital communications, the world economy is on the verge of Offshoring 2.0 - a revolutionary new paradigm in the way we do business.
In the very near future, for small and medium size businesses, having partners in Eastern Europe, Asia or Africa will no longer seem exotic, but the norm". (1)
By talking to customers and partners we have seen them experimenting with a lot of different tools to create virtual teams.
The Google platform allows for real-time collaboration between software team members around the world, without installing any software or additional hardware, giving you the time to do your job (instead of administrating tools or hardware).
Add to this Skype or web conferencing tools and your distributed Agile team is ready.
The template is completely free and documentation is provided. Get the template on scrumtoolbox.com.
Hope it helps in creating your software products!
(1) http://www.worldfinance.com/news/home/finalbell/article120.html